ADD All Friends In A Facebook Group at once ( Javascript )

Facebook did not allow to add all our friends in a single click, we have to add manually one by one. This javascript which allows you to add all your facebook friend s in a single click.

                                      ::: STEPS FOR MOZILLA FIREFOX :::

1) For using this script , you need grease monkey addon for firefox. 

Download it from  HERE ↓↓    

2) After installing grease monkey addon, install our script from    HERE ↓↓

3) After installing both addons and script, goto Facebook group where you want to 
 add  your all friends and click on Add All Friends option just beside notification setting of group.


4) Finally wait for a minute and see how your all friends are adding one by one.



1) For using this script , you need tamper monkey extension for chrome. 

Download it from HERE ↓↓

 2) After installing grease monkey addon, install our script from HERE ↓↓

 3) After installing both addons and script, goto Facebook group where you want to  add your all friends and click on Add All Friends option just beside notification setting of group.

4) Finally wait for a minute and see how your all friends are adding one by one.

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